International Relationships

We are living in a historical moment in which many cities are working as never before to participate in an open international system. This new “World of cities” we are experiencing has created the perfect opportunity for the creation of our bureau, which is the necessary link between Río Grande and the rest of the world. International cooperation is the ideal tool to empower our growth and development, and consolidate and maximize regional integration by giving the possibility of showing and sharing our knowledge with the rest of the world.

Our working axes

Malvinas and Peace


Malvinas and Rio Grande have an eternal indestructible bond; Rio Grande is the closest Argentinian city to the Islands that is the reason why our city had an important role in the Conflict in 1982. For us, the Malvinas Issue is not only the legal claim on those lands; but for our society it also means the impossibility of living in a region of Peace, due to the high technological military base that is being built on the Islands. This base also implies the terrible threaten generated by the process of massive destruction weapons owing to the introduction in the region of dual nuclear military technology.
SOVEREIGNTY, PEACE AND NO PROLIFERATION, are the clear objectives of our bureau; in order to fulfil them, we are working with other institutions such as: the National Chancellery, The United Nations, and Governmental National and International Organizations. Universities, Local Government, and other institutions.


Both Rio Grande´s and the region´s reality need a change as regards the way in which the problem is being approached. In order to work on an international agenda for the city we need both to involve new people, especially each neighbor and civil organizations of our society; and to construct different approaches to tackle the problem.
International seminars, twinning with cities that are also suffering the consequences of Colonialism, Marathon for Dialog and Peace: Rio Grande Runs for Malvinas (Maratón por el Diálogo y la Paz “Río Grande corre por Malvinas”), Rio Grande Dialogues, all of them organized by different bureaus of the United Nations, are some of the actions that are globally changing the way in which the cities of the world are getting involved as regards responsibility and commitment.

Cross Border cooperation


Our geographical and historical situation, and the characteristics of our society, encourages us to strengthen the processes of cooperation and integration between the Townhall of Chile and Rio Grande.

At present, and thanks to the Maipu Treatment signed in 2009 (Tratado de Maipú), and to several agreements with different cities from Chile, the two countries have a clear framework, all these agreements allow both countries to work together in a variety of activities: Sports, Environment, Culture, Tourism, State Modernization, International Cooperation. Cooperative work in these areas has given us the possibility to construct a Fueguian regional citizenship.

Decentralized Cooperation


During the last century International Cooperation was only managed by governments; but now with this new tendency of a decentralizing role, cities are having a main role in the world of international relations and they are also suggesting endless opportunities of work.

Organizations such us: ONU, UNODA, UNLIREC, UN-HABITAT), Cooperative Agencies, (AECID, GTZ, JICA, USAID, etc.), ONG´s (Latin American Centre of Political and Economic Research of China -CLEPEC-), Cooperative networks, (Cities and Local Governments and Iberoamerican Union of Townhalls etc.) Local Governments, Embassies, are some of the possible partners in the construction of these projects whose aim is reciprocal benefits which will allow Rio Grande to become receptor of a variety of resources; as well as offering the world its experience for bilateral actions, multilateral and /or cooperative networks.


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